Ugadi 2025

Cultural Program Guidelines
Event Date: Saturday May 3rd, 2025, 1.30pm-7 pm
Venue: Derynoski Elementary School, 240 Main St, Southington, CT 06489
ನವಸಂವತ್ಸರವಿದು ವಿಶ್ವಾವಸು
ಬಂದಿದೆ ಸುತ್ತೆಲ್ಲ ಚೆಲ್ಲುತ ಸೊಗಸು
ಹೊಸ ವರ್ಷವ ಸ್ವಾಗತಿಸಲು ಕೂಡಿ ಬನ್ನಿ
ಹಬ್ಬದೂಟವ ಬಾಯ್ ಚಪ್ಪರಿಸಿ ತಿನ್ನಿ
HKK cordially invites you to immerse yourself in the soulful sounds of the violin concert by
Boston Brothers (Tejas Manjunath and Pranav Manjunath) and their team. On this day, you
can enjoy this musical extravaganza in addition to performances by our community talents. We
strongly encourage group performances depicting our enriched Kannada culture related
activities including folklore, rasakavya, mime acts, comedy etc.
Here are a few guidelines for participants to consider before sending your entries:
• Fancy Dress participants must be 5 years of age and below. (Duration 1 min)
• Group performances can be up to 5 min and the minimum number of
participants is 4.
• Children/Adults can perform only once in any category of their choice
excluding Fancy dress, Nadageethe and Prarthane. We encourage more
Adults/kids to participate in Nadageethe and request interested participants to
send email to cultural team for practice sessions.
• Any track above 5 mins will not be accepted.
• All tracks/contents must be in Kannada.
• Audio tracks must be labelled with performance name and should be in MP3
format. HKK is not responsible for any issue with any other format/s
• The entries for cultural event are currently closed , kids fancy dress entries are still open until April 20,2025
• The last date to send the final track is April 25 th and no tracks will be accepted
Please send in your entries with the required details as shown below to
• Participant(s) Name
• Choreographer/Coordinator Name and Phone number
• Category of the program {group dance, Fancy Dress etc.}
• Duration of the performance
• Performance (Song) Name
• Microphone needs (like stands, mic-count)
Please Note:
To maximize the available opportunities for participants we request you to follow the above
guidelines. The information sent will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone
outside of the HKK executive committee.
Event sponsors